Flag 0 users think it is non-scientific; after 15 it will be moderated. Group theory is super-important. There is no modern science without groups. If we’d value group theory economically, it would be many trillions of dollars, probably hundreds. Without group theory,…

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Flag 0 users think it is non-scientific; after 15 it will be moderated. Victor Porton (ORCID 0000-0001-7064-7975, no affiliation)Israelporton.victor@gmail.com Abstract I add a new inference rule to formal systems in such a way that we introduce additional statements that can be proved…

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Flag 11 users think it is non-scientific; after 15 it will be moderated. Personally I reported SEVERAL errors in the Ada compiler (most likely this compiler is used in the USA thermonuclear rockets control system because, accordingly my understanding, other compilers of…

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Flag 0 users think it is non-scientific; after 15 it will be moderated. After a long discussion at Reddit where many counter and counter-counter arguments appeared, I was pointed an error: S(… S …) is not defined. I meant to expand S…

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Flag 0 users think it is non-scientific; after 15 it will be moderated. Victor Porton In this article I consider vaguely formulated hypothesis that scientific method is not applicable to objects more complex than our brains. Article text. Flag 0 users think…

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Flag 0 users think it is non-scientific; after 15 it will be moderated. The following are good projects important for mankind: Carbon accounting with world-best anti-theft (needs somebody to pay for error checking). This software also can be used for such things…

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