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It is a well-known big problem that fundamental science and free software authors (especially component authors) sometimes don’t receive money or receive little money to support their work.

Even worse, their software and scientific discoveries often remain little known due to no money for advertising. (In the worst case, the spot is considered by colleagues as taken, and so they don’t create competing products, eliminating support for a whole branch of science or software topic. That’s an awful problem.)

I proposed a solution of this problem by leveraging existing donations site GitCoin but modifying their algorithm:

  • Allocate a percentage of donations to an affiliate program of advertising donation pages by professional promoters.
  • Allocate a part of donated money to dependencies of the project accepting donations.

In other words, I am to make academy an app, like Uber made taxi an app.

My idea in more details.

The DAO (a crypto community based on voting) of the project. (You can donate there or join the project as a voting member and earn when you vote.)

Please support this project.

0 users think it is non-scientific; after 15 it will be moderated.

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