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My letter to National Scientific Board (NSB), the organization that governs National Science Foundation (NSF) and gives advice to American presidents:

Do you agree that removal of ordered semigroup actions (OSA) from science is a suicide of science?

Wonder, if OSA were discovered in 19th or early 20th? No, OSA were first described by me in 2019. They describe general topology in an algebraic way and I can argue that OSA are at least as important as group theory, maybe more important.

Have you heard the saying “PhDs build on works of other PhDs”? Apparently it is true: Nobody wants to build on my work. Therefore OSA are excluded from science “better” than Stalin did it with genetics and cybernetics. Stalin legally forbade, now you just don’t allocate money for the research. So, your suicide is caused partly by me being a non-US person and excluded by discrimination of Baptists from a Russian academy.

Have you heard the saying “PhDs build on works of other PhDs”? Apparently it is true: Nobody wants to build on my work. Therefore OSA are excluded from science “better” than Stalin did it with genetics and cybernetics. Stalin legally forbade, now you just don’t allocate money for the research. So, your suicide is caused partly by me being a non-US person and excluded by discrimination of Baptists from a Russian academy.

Have you heard the saying “PhDs build on works of other PhDs”? Apparently it is true: Nobody wants to build on my work. Therefore OSA are excluded from science “better” than Stalin did it with genetics and cybernetics. Stalin legally forbade, now you just don’t allocate money for the research. So, your suicide is caused partly by me being a non-US person and excluded by discrimination of Baptists from a Russian academy.

No respect to suiciders, reply to this email, damn, placeholders of suicidal “science”.

Francis Crick believed in astrology. I believe in elves. But there is a difference: You didn’t remove records of Crick’s discoveries from science, but OSA are rather effectively removed.

Victor Porton — I am a witness in God’s court: Is every human infinitely greedy not to pay for re-publication of my mis-published discovery, actions of ordered semigroups (that all the science should be based on)? If only me is non-greedy, I to ascend to heaven and be an elf, not human. And your civilization is abandoned: you don’t have ordered semigroup actions.

I propose a solution using cryptocurrency.

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